Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Fetal Heartbeat

Most who know me know of my longstanding fan-ship of Mary McDonnell. Yes, this does have to do with the baby's heartbeat. Just hang with me for a moment.

We found out that I was pregnant on July 21st. I know this because of an email I got on that date about Mary being at DragonCon, and I know that it was a Monday because Major Crimes (the show she stars on) was on. The things that help you remember things.

We first heard Jack's heartbeat on August 1st, almost two weeks later. It was a Friday. G met me at the doctor's office since it was during the day and I went there from work. It was our first visit to the OBGYN. I remember the nurse's name, because she instantly reminded me of our cousin, maybe a little shorter but with the same friendly disposition.

H led us into the ultrasound room and handed us over to another tech. She was friendly as well, but I have yet to remember her name. Anyway, she started the scan and sure enough, there was a small little blob with the cutest little fluttering heart. She then turned on the sound. I started laughing. G had to look for a seat.

First scan done on Aug. 1st. G said it looked like Puerto Rico.
He'd been standing beside me during the exam, holding my hand and being his usual charming self. That didn't change when the sound of Jack's heartbeat filled the room, but G did stammer a little and sit down. I can't blame him. It was overwhelming. However, I'd had two weeks of randomness going on within me from nausea to fatigue to running thoughts…so my time for giddiness was ready to explode at that moment. G had his giddy moment back on July 21st. It was nice to tease him some. Still is.

We haven't had a scan since August, but we have heard the heartbeat on each of other visits to the doctor. The second time Dr. H did the honors of finding the heartbeat. G felt better about it, saying he was a least warned before the rhythmic doppler woofer sound filled the room. Jack's heart was fast that day, leading the doc to joke it sounded like a girl. This, of course is before we knew about his Y chromosome.

Today was the 3rd day we heard Jack's heartbeat. 150 or so beats per minute. Still that sub-woofer booming out. It's the coolest sound I've ever heard.

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