Thursday, May 26, 2016

Down Day

I'm just tired.

These words fall from my lips so often that they can be called my negative mantra. There are days that I am physically tired. Lack of sleep and pushing myself to much to do this thing or that.

But most days when I utter those words, it is because my emotional and mental state is to the breaking point. Perhaps you've heard the new catch phrase of "I'm so odd, because I can't even." That's me so many more days than not.

I have stress points that start to ache. I feel blue and down. It's clearly a depressive state. And frustrations. So many frustrations.

Some days I deal with it better than most. But the hard days are when the troubles seem to pile up and there's no clear path out. Those days I stare out the window. Those days I feel tired the most.

When I was younger and with a lot less responsibilities, I joked about running away on such days. But that's no longer an interest. It just seems like too much of a hassle. How funny is that? Running away seems like a hassle.

I'd rather just be home, watching my kid play and snuggling with the dog and the husband. That's what I find comforting now. My small universe of three beings.

They are the ones that get me through the days when "I'm tired."

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